- Getting through a conversation at the German O2 shop, resisting the urge to go into English or whip out Google Translate
- Being mistaken for German.. temporarily
- Getting the shower fixed (Happiest day ever)
- Drinking a Radler (beer with lemonade) in a traditional German pub
- Going to a German club and becoming obsessed with the song 'Geiles Leben' - Youtube it now!
- Discovering that you can apparently pan fry frozen fish fingers here!? Yes I have been eating healthily Mum
- Going into a Douglas store for the first time and not wanting to leave
- Remembering to bring a plastic bag with me to the supermarket, that one time
- Putting up some Audrey postcards in my new room
I hope you enjoyed this post, I may be in Germany but I'll still be writing as often as I can
Bis dann!